Transfer from Don Mueang Airport to Bangkok

A quick guide to accessible transportation between the airport and Bangkok.
Transfer from Don Mueang Airport to Bangkok

There are four ways to transfer from Don Mueang Airport to downtown Bangkok. Transfer options include train, bus, taxi, private transfer.

The distance from Don Mueang Airport to Khao San road is about 28 km, pure travel time is about 25 min. Not too far but it depends on the transport that you choose, your hotel location (the best hotels are here) and the traffic in Bangkok.



Don Mueang airport rail link is not recommended because the transfer will take about 40 minutes and you will need to transfer to another transport when you arrive at Hua Lamphong train station, which will take 20 minutes more. The ticket price from Don Muang to Hua Lamphong Station is 5 baht.


There are 2 bus services from Don Mueang Airport to Bangkok: Airport Limo Express bus and A1, 2, 3, 4.
Airport Limo Express buses are very comfortable. The trip to Khao San station takes about 50 minutes and costs 150 baht. The booking desk is at gate 14 in Terminal 2 and between gates 6 and 8 in Terminal 1.

Don Mueang Airport has four A bus lines with different routes. The buses are situated outside of Gates 6 and 12.

To make it easier for you to understand which bus route lies near your hotel, you can see a map of bus routes from Don Muang Airport. The stops of each bus have different colors.

  • A1. Airport – BTS Chatuchak – Chatuchak Bus Terminal. 30 baht. Operating hours 06:30 to 00:00.
  • A2. Airport – Victory Monument. 30 baht. Operating hours 06:30 to 00:00.
  • A3. Airport -Lumphini Park. 50 baht. Operating hours 07:00 to 23:00.
  • A4. Airport – City Center. 50 baht. Operating hours 07:00 to 23:00. If your hotel is in central Bangkok, the A1 route will take you directly to Khao San Road.


Taxi from Don Mueang Airport to Bangkok is available 24 hours a day. Taxi will take you straight to your hotel door.

The price for a taxi from Don Mueang Airport to Bangkok starts from 300 baht and up. Be aware that the airport charges an additional 50 baht and 70 baht more if you want to use the Toll/Expressway.


Private transfer is the most convenient way to get from Don Mueang Airport to downtown Bangkok. Depending on the traffic it can take from 25 min to 1 hr.

The driver will meet you in the arrivals hall with a sign with your name on it, take care of your luggage, and take you directly to your Bangkok accommodation. You do not need to worry about the early or late arrival of the flight, the driver will keep track of the actual time of arrival. The price of a private transfer starts from 640 baht.


Tickets for any type of transfer from Don Mueang Airport to Bangkok can be purchased directly from the carriers. In case you do not want to waste time looking for a ticket office or do not want to bargain with a taxi driver at the airport, we recommend paying for your transfer in advance. It’s very easy, choose the right kind of transportation at this link, pay the fare and enjoy your trip.

Should you arrive at Suvarnabhumi Airport, please read this article about the transfer options. If you need to go from Don Mueang airport to Suvarnabhumi airport, read this guide. The official Don Mueang airport website is here.